Next Step Blog
Stop Talking Start Innovating
Achieving Success Silicon Valley Style Talk about innovation is everywhere – in board rooms, conferences, employee meetings and university classes. In 2019, it is estimated that billions of dollars will be spent [...]
Decide, Move, Innovate Silicon Valley Style
Corporate innovation initiatives are top of mind for executives – but often slowed due to long decision processes and planning. Innovation is about trying something and being willing to suffer the string [...]
Where are the Unicorns?
There are 309 private companies around the world valued at $1B+ as of 1/18/2019. Collectively these companies are worth as much as $1,085B and have raised a combined total of nearly $261B. Last year, 111 new [...]
Innovation Requires Foresight – Skate to Where Puck is Going
Innovation is all about anticipating future needs then designing, piloting and scaling new solutions to address the tomorrow’s challenges. Successful business leaders and entrepreneurs require foresight into the minds, concerns and opportunities [...]
Embrace Change for Success in 2109
New year is time to embrace change. Today's rapid growth in AI, compute power, ubiquity of IoT combined with changing customer behavior will disrupt all traditional businesses. Now is the time to [...]
Innovation Lessons from Cirque du Soliel
Successful innovation requires agility to address changing customer needs and competitive threats; Creativity to design new solutions to future problems and empowerment of team members – to adapt, fail and take a [...]
Are you ready to be a Super Hero in 2019?
Super Hero’s are engaged, empowered and ready to make an impact this year. However, recent studies show that over 70% of people feel - little or no involvement or engagement in work [...]
Digitalization: The Path to Employee Engagement
The Robots are Here: Good news - for employees? While robots which vacuum the carpet, mow the lawn or deliver lunch are cute time savers, their possible entry into the workplace can [...]
Humans vs Machines: Role of People in Digital World
Rapid advances in AI, machine learning, robotics have proven to create greater efficiency, personalized autonomous service, and productivity across all industries. While the result can be increased profitability and competitive advantage for [...]
Success in Changing World
Climate change, political unrest, and corporate disruption are today's reality. Those who may have doubted that change was necessary now recognize that evolution is required for survival. The question is now HOW [...]
What Came First: Technology or Customer Needs?
While the disruption of traditional businesses is often attributed to technology growth, the real driver of today's transformation to a digital world is customers - with increased demands for convenience and choice. [...]
Business Success Canvas
Next Step’s Business Success Canvas to be among top 15% of businesses with the opportunity for success beyond initial launch.
Achieve Your Mission: Join the 15% of Successful Business Leaders
Digitalization allows entrepreneurs to disrupt traditional markets and deliver new services overnight. However, over 85% of new initiatives fail. Success for Amazon, GE, and global entrepreneurs starts with clarity of mission, market [...]
Are Your Skills Future Ready?
Recent studies indicate that 20-35% of today's jobs will be eliminated by automation within the next 3-5 years. To determine your relevance in the future, consider: Are the daily or weekly tasks [...]
What Digital Can’t Do: Be Human
Today’s digital world gives access to a broad range of services and products all through a simple command to a smartphone, watch or appliance. In addition, for businesses, digital technologies also streamline [...]
Transform for Success in Digital Future
By 2020, half of the current Global 100 companies will be marginalized by new or more nimble competitors according to IDC. For business leaders, the question is no longer whether to transform [...]