
Next Step Blog

Digitalization: Great Opportunity for Norwegian Success

The rapid advances in technological capabilities, combined with the global growth of entrepreneurialism and the ‘sharing economy’ bring many new opportunities for Norway. However, there can be challenges as new digital competitors [...]

April 16, 2017|

Travel Value Network of the Future: Role of Digitalization

Capturing the Lucrative Traveler’s Loyalty: Role of Digitalization Like all industries, the world of travel is evolving rapidly through technological innovation and changing consumer demographics. As many studies* have shown, the lucrative [...]

April 15, 2017|

You have a Patent: So What?

For many global entrepreneurs, patents may be viewed as an important part of Intellectual Property and of great value to the entrepreneur. In the Nordic, we have heard that a patent ‘ensures [...]

April 15, 2017|

The Travelers Journey via Value Travel Value Network

Like all industries, the world of travel is evolving rapidly through technological […]

April 3, 2017|

Success from Customer Innovation in Changing World

Change is happening in all aspects of business, politics, and society; […]

March 31, 2017|

Growth for Results and a Lucrative Exit

Business owners and leaders want to make a difference with a great […]

March 19, 2017|

Digitalization is More than Technology Usage

Today, ‘digitalization’ is the hot topic, buzzword and goal of most organizations […]

March 14, 2017|

Digitalization for Growth: Proven Approach

Through digitalization, global organizations such as Adobe, Daimler Benz, and GE […]

March 5, 2017|

Avoiding the Greatest Mistakes in Hiring a Sales Leader

While there are many obstacles to growing a sustainable, successful company, the most impactful mistake often made by executives in organizations of all sizes, industries and locations, is in hiring the right [...]

February 16, 2017|

Achieving Growth: Sales Channels and Partnerships

As many serial entrepreneurs know, revenue and customer attainment is the key to success for all companies. However, reaching and winning new customers is challenging – especially for young companies. Gaining awareness [...]

February 16, 2017|

2020 Vision – Digitalization for Successful Future

Welcome to the global economy, characterized by rapid, disruptive changeand accelerating adoption of new technologies. Are you and your organization positioned to remain competitive in the face of these fundamental transformations? And [...]

February 7, 2017|

Digitalization: From Product Vendor to Service Provider

Successful Business Transformation to the Cloud Companies in virtually every industry can deliver unprecedented value to their customers through new technologies. By embracing the power and ubiquity of digitalization, organizations can transform [...]

February 4, 2017|

Digitalize for Relevance – Next Step to Success

With the accelerating pace of technology adoption and innovation, customers […]

February 2, 2017|

Innovate Daily to Remain Relevant

Innovation is key to success and adaptability of people, teams and companies. As the […]

November 7, 2016|

How to Make Meetings Masterful

A quick show of hands: Who hates meetings? So that would be most of you, right? It’s […]

November 6, 2016|

Enhancing Relevance and Value in Disrupted World

Analyst predictions and current growth of technology-based service businesses demonstrate the fast pace of change and disruption of ‘business as usual’ across all markets. Through prevalence of mobility, cloud and global access, [...]

November 6, 2016|