Human Centric Leadership: Building Trust for Future Growth

Leadership is never easy – especially during periods of uncertainty and change.  The challenge today is exacerbated by employees’ ‘pandemic fatigue’, lack of face to face interactions and rapidly evolving customer needs. Leaders can no longer rely on traditional management techniques such as [...]

Executive Growth Alliance Delivers on ROI

Investment in future-ready leadership is essential to a company’s successful growth. Back in 2019, companies allocated $3.5 billion for leadership training, but often employees were not able to apply the concepts taught during the training in their actual workplace. This resulted in wasted [...]

Global Insight into Future Growth

Within the Executive Growth Alliance, peers from US, Europe, Latin America and Africa collaborate to solve Specific Actionable Challenges. At the conclusion of each Executive Growth Circle (EGC), all participants are challenged to commit to action with accountability to apply the insights gained [...]

Leading in the New Paradigm: #1 Course on Innovation

At the turn of the century, innovation programs and business transformation projects were at the top of all leaders’ agendas. In 2019, global corporations spent $360 billion on leaderships development programs, $160 billion on consultants and $1 trillion on innovation conferences. However, less [...]

Leaders Approach to Post COVID-19 Business

The unprecedented speed and impact of change experienced by leaders during 2020 have highlighted the need for global insights, agility, fast-action and collaboration for sustainable success. During the COVID-19 crisis, Next Step gathered perspectives (via surveys and interviews) from global business leaders across [...]

Next Step across the plateaus of Growth

“This is the next big thing.” To many passionate entrepreneurs with a great idea the sky is in reach. However, over 85% of new ventures fail within 10 years – even without a pandemic or economic crisis!  While many reasons are cited, the [...]

Human Centric Leadership: Building Trust for Future Growth

Leadership is never easy – especially during periods of uncertainty and change.  The challenge today is exacerbated by employees’ ‘pandemic fatigue’, lack of face to face interactions and rapidly evolving customer needs. Leaders can no longer rely on traditional management techniques such as [...]

Gaining PEACE for Future Success

While the future will be different, tomorrow will come. By managing fear, keeping perspective and embracing new ways of working, we can each take the next step forward with PEACE. Perspective: Use this time to reflect, learn and adapt Exploration: Alternative ways to [...]

Winning Back the Retail Customer – It’s Not Too Late

While the demise of traditional retailers such as Sears, is often attributed to technology growth, the real killer is lack of attention to customer experience, choice and market direction. Consumers have easy access to a broad range of choices, personalization of offers and [...]

Humans Vs Machines

  While robots which vacuum the carpet, mow the lawn or deliver lunch are cute time savers, their possible entry into the workplace can be scary. Employees who have spent years performing a routine task can be threatened by the idea of technology [...]