Life 3.0 refers to the point in our future when emerging technologies and trends (AI, metaverse, web 3.0, blockchains) will come to dominate our everyday lives, altering fundamentally how we work, interact, engage and learn. Our Lives 3.0 will likely see the blending of our digital/physical realities and the creation of a data economy based on verified, smart contracts.

So what are some of the predictions from global experts in Cloud, Technology, Resource Management, and AI, or in other words, what could 2035 look like for us all?

1. Digital identity and people managing their own data

Think about all the data points that you generate each day. Retailers know all your shopping habits, your medical records are stored with your doctors and hospitals, your apps and wearables track your lifestyles and social media platforms track your online behavior. Today, you benefit very little from generating this vast data pool and often are not even able to access it.

In Life 3.0, this will change. In 2035, you could own, store and manage all your personal data (healthcare, education, shopping history) on a home application and decide how you want to share and be compensated for it. For example, you can sell the information that you just bought a new house to a furniture retailer in exchange for a discount. Did you ever think about monetizing your data?

2. Smarter, less biased talent acquisition

The hiring process can be extremely frustrating for hiring managers as well as candidates. The odds of selecting the absolute best candidate from all the applicants are slim – due to too many applications, lack of time, or unconscious bias. On the other hand, choosing the wrong person can have severe implications for any organization – especially the smaller ones.

So how will this challenge be solved in Life 3.0? Experts say it’s all about having the right data upfront. In the near future, all relevant data about the applicant’s background could be accessible to the hiring manager prior to the interview, so they can spend valuable time asking the right questions rather than searching for more information. The future hiring process might take place in the Metaverse, using avatars and taking advantage of AI like chatbots and other tools to eliminate human bias. Smart hiring might be the norm very soon.

3. Universities and education move to the Metaverse

During the COVID-19 pandemic, students around the world struggled with virtual learning via Zoom or other platforms. The main issue was a lack of interaction – pupils felt disconnected from the classroom, from their peers, and from the educational content. According to a study from PwC, using Virtual Reality made learners 275% more confident to act on what they learned in comparison to in-person learning

Metaverse brings a truly unique opportunity to move from book learning to experiential learning, introducing aspects of gamification, practical applications, and full immersion. Our experts predict that education in Life 3.0 could mean that students would take their classes on Mars one day and on top of the Eiffel tower the next one – making school feel like a video game, with lessons structured like quests, motivating students to finish their work.

4. Humans will find new aspects of human value creation

If the industrial revolution brought about the replacement of human muscle, what we are observing today is the replacement of the human brain. Technology and AI will continue learning to do things that humans used to do – some of these things we didn’t want to do but some of the things we did want to do.

In Life 3.0, humans won’t (and shouldn’t) focus on outperforming machines in a single task or activity – but on our ‘human’ abilities to intuit, decide, understand deeper context and nuances, and collaborate. Perhaps, it will be an opportunity to rediscover humanity and its value in a machine-enabled world.

Whether these predictions will (or will not) materialize in the next 15 years, we should start thinking and having conversations about how to prepare for Life 3.0 today. Global leaders should experiment with these new technologies and identify the first Metaverse, Web 3.0, and blockchain use cases to implement in their industries. A great place to gain fresh perspectives, ask questions, challenge, and co-create solutions with a global group of leaders is an Executive Growth Circle – book your slot in the next one.